Dr. (Prof.) Kr. Ravindra Singh (Principal)

Name:- Dr. (Prof.) Kumar Ravinder Singh (Principal, Administrator & Hospital Superintendent)

Age:- 56 Years

Registration no.:- 26886/2002 (Board of Homoeopathic Medicine, Bihar), 1726/2003 CCH

Qualifications:- B.Sc., B.H.M.S., M.D. (Hom.).

Examiner:-  U.G. & P.G. in various universities of Bihar, Bengal, Madhya Pradesh.

Date of joining:- 05.09.2014

Date of joining on this post:- 09.03.2024

Address:- RBTS Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Ramdayalu Nagar, PO- Ramna,  Muzaffarpur, Bihar-842002.

Mobile Number:- 9334112830.

E-mail:- drkrravindra1970@gmail.comAbout Our Principal